Case study:

The Economic Impact of Stroke in Europe Report

Stroke is responsible for 9% of all deaths each year in the EU and it is also the largest cause of adult disability. Total costs for stroke were estimated at €64 billion across Europe in 2010 and yet it is hugely under-funded in comparison to other chronic conditions. The most important risk factors for stroke are age, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, all of which are rising in a larger and increasingly elderly population living unhealthy lifestyles. Stroke is responsible for 9% of all deaths each year in the EU and it is also the largest cause of adult disability.

Total costs for stroke were estimated at €64 billion across Europe in 2010 and yet it is hugely under-funded in comparison to other chronic conditions. The most important risk factors for stroke are age, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, all of which are rising in a larger and increasingly elderly population living unhealthy lifestyles. In 2017, the Stroke Alliance for Europe has commissioned the Economic Impact of Stroke in Europe Report. The study was funded by the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) and included all stroke-related costs that occurred in the EU countries plus the UK, Israel, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland in 2017.

The first part of this health economic study by University of Oxford was published as an original article “Economic burden of stroke across Europe: A population-based cost analysis” in the Online First section of the European Stroke Journal and presented to the broad public in November 2019, providing an insight into current costs around stroke in 32 European countries. The full report will be presented towards the end of 2020. Misita PR & Communication’s role in this project extended beyond communication and encompassed the Report production activities such as writing Foreword and contributing to Recommendations, design, printing and production of an info pack in English, to be translated and adapted in different European languages. For more information, please click here.

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